A company of CheKa managed to hold the nameless village in the face of the ferocious White assault but not before their commander was butchered by White Cadets. The losses inflicted on the Whites were crippling, one company of militia that ran at the first sound of gunfire was caught in the open by Red artillery and scarcely a man survived. White cavalry outflanked the Bolshevik's main position but were in turn surprised by a company of Red conscripts that stumbled on them in the half light. Horses proved no match for machine guns...
Great fun was had by all and thanks to Jeff for coming over to play a literal 'pick up' game using my homebrew RCW rules,"Komrade Commissar!', based on AK-47 Reloaded. The bad weather reduced visibility and shooting to 8 inches which made things very bloody - no sooner had your enemy got into sight than the fighting was hand to hand...
I didn't take any pictures but it was good to get back into gaming after a little break occasioned by a trip overseas.